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Philotarsus picicornis

Species account
Philotarsus picicornis A medium sized (3.5-4mm) ‘picture-winged’ barkfly. Scarce in Britain.
Philotarsus picicornis The forewing of both sexes has a characteristic pattern of distinct patches. Only Philotarsus species have the colourless area at the end of the pterostigma cell.
Philotarsus picicornis There is a rectangular brown patch on the upperside of the abdomen. The pale areas within the patch usually form two longitudinal stripes (cf. P. parviceps). The stripes are not always distinct.
Philotarsus picicornis Female
The side lobes of the subgenital plate are almost rectangular and don’t narrow in the middle (cf. P. parviceps).
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Philotarsus picicornis Philotarsus picicornis Male
The epiproct lacks pale side margins (cf. P. parviceps).
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Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Joint Nature Conservation Committee National Biodiversity Network