Region |
Main date range |
Extreme dates |
North |
All year |
All year |
South |
Unknown |
3 June - 21 December |
Adults of this species have been recorded at all times of the year in Edinburgh although the numbers tend to be low in January and February (Saville, unpublished). Consequently it is somewhat surprising that during an intensive two year study carried out at Silwood Park, Berkshire none were recorded during the winter months (New, 1969).
New, T.R. 1969. The early stages and life histories of some British foliage-frequenting Psocoptera, with notes on the overwintering stages of British arboreal Psocoptera. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 121 (3): 59-77.
Summary: has been found mainly on branches of conifers/evergreens but also found on deciduous trees and bushes.
- Deciduous branches: beech, elder, elm, hawthorn, oak, poplar and sea buckthorn.
- Deciduous trunks: unspecified.
- Conifer/evergreen branches: box, cypress family, fir, hemlock (Tsuga), holly, holm oak, ivy and yew.
Sampling techniques: beating branches and brushing tree trunks.