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The Banded Demoiselle Survey
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Recognising the Banded Demoiselle

annotated image of male

Male Banded Demoiselle (© BDS/P.Allen)

annontated image of female

Female Banded Demoiselle (© BDS/A.Welstead)


Confusion is possible between Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) and Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo). However, in males of the latter species, the whole surface of the wings appears dark. Females of the two species are more difficult to tell apart, Banded Demoiselle females having a greenish tinge to their wings, as opposed to the brownish wings of females Beautiful Demoiselle ?please note that it is more reliable to base your identification on the males.

Banded Demoiselle mating pair

Male (right) and female (left) Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens - note the dark patch on the male's wings (© BDS/P.Allen)

Beautiful Demoiselle mating pair

Male (right) and female (left) Beautiful Demoiselle Calopteryx virgo - note the dark colouration on the whole surface of the male's wing, distinguishing it from a Banded Demoiselle (© BDS/A.Welstead)


More photos of adult male Banded Demoiselle

adult banded demoiselle (male) photo

Male Banded Demoiselle (© BDS/P.Allen)

male banded demoiselle photo

Male Banded Demoiselle eating a small insect (© C.Daguet)

Male Banded Demoiselle

Male Banded Demoiselle (© P. Davoust )

Calopteryx splendens male on plant

Male Banded Demoiselle on riverside vegetation ? please note that depending on the light at the time Banded Demoiselle colours, generally shades of a dark metallic blue, can have a greener tinge as illustrated with this photograph (© BDS/J.Stevens)

Male Banded Demoiselle

Male Banded Demoiselle at Morden Hall Park, SW London (© M. Riddler)




National Biodiversity Network
Joint Nature Conservation Committee