BRC HOME » Riverfly Recording Schemes

The Riverfly Recording Schemes - for Caddisflies, Mayflies and Stoneflies
(Previously known as CAMSTARS)
Biological Records Centre
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Home of the Riverfly Recording Schemes

A large pond

The Riverfly Recording Schemes , established by the Caddisfly, Mayfly and Stonefly Recording Scheme Officers, celebrates and exploits the common ground that exists between the three groups of flies. Although retaining their individual identity, the recording schemes are increasingly working together.

Mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies form a natural group and are found in similar habitats as both young and adults.

The three recording schemes collaborate in order to:

  • Champion caddisflies, mayflies and stoneflies;
  • Produce identification guides to the groups with the Field Studies Council;
  • Encourage and facilitate recorders to widen their expertise across these groups;
  • Contribute information to inform UK conservation priorities;
  • Collaborate with colleagues in the Riverfly Parnership to deliver Riverfly invertebrate monitoring for anglers workshops, an initiative coordinated by The Natural History Museum/English Nature partnership;
  • Continue to play an instrumental role in the Riverfly Partnership;
  • Run joint and specific training and recording events.

The key objectives of the recording schemes are to:

  1. Be the definitive source of information on the distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera species in England, Scotland and Wales (linking with Irish co-workers);
  2. Encourage interest in Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera species and their associated habitats;
  3. Target research on rare species and under recorded habitats;
  4. Provide guidance on identification and identify voucher specimens of "difficult" species;
  5. Make the records widely available via the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

For further information on The Riverfly Recording Schemes contact Craig Macadam by
email: [email protected] or
telephone: 07786 631369

The key individuals in The Riverfly Recording Schemes are:

Craig Macadam, The National Ephemeroptera (Mayfly) Recording Scheme
email: [email protected],
tel: 07786 631369

David Pryce, The National Plecoptera (Stonefly) Recording Scheme
email: [email protected],
tel: 07979 655977

Dr Ian Wallace, The National Trichoptera (Caddis) Recording Scheme, Liverpool Museum
email: [email protected],
tel: 0151 478 4385



National Biodiversity Network UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Joint Nature Conservation Committee